Statistics about Egypt (under construction)
This Page is under construction and will contain general infromation about Egypt.
Egypt has a population of 65,205,000 at 1/1/2000. a total of 63,305,000 are inside Egypt and 1,900,000 are manpower abroad on what is called temporary emigration
Greater Cairo (Cairo, Giza and Qalubia): 24.9 percent of the total population west delta (Alexandria, Beheira, Matrouh) 12.6 percent of the total population, central and east delta (Gharbia, Menoufia, kafr El Sheikh, Sharkia, Dakahlia. Damietta Governorates) 29.9 percent
Economical Data
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Geographical Data
Law in Egypt
Manufacturing in Egypt
Their are many industrial Citys in Egypt as the "6th of October" , "10th of Ramdan" or "Sadat City". Having a factory there means, manufactoring Tax Free, purchasing ground at reasonable prices or getting assitance from variuos Chambers of commerces. But what about logistics...
Import & Export regulations
The Egyptian Trade Balance has a deficit of...Billion. Main Exporters to Egypt are... Main Importers are..
Labour in Egypt
Labour costs are considered to be fairly low. But lack of education, Training and skills it is fairly expensive....